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Informative Articles. 12 e 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation EU personal 2016/679
Under Articles. 12 e 13 of the General Regulations of the EU personal data protection 2016/679, in relation to the personal data referred to the shock. Solutions property d.o.o, He will possess through the assignment of your case, We inform you of the following:
1. Data Controller.
The data controller is Mr.. Blue Luigi Leone born 16 March 1959, CF. zzrlln59c16a462r, company director e with tax domicile in via pens 39 36012 Asiago ( WE ), tel. 0294756432 – fax 0294756433, email: [email protected]– after.
Purpose of data processing.
The data processing, will only be correct and complete execution of any assignment received, or in response to your requests.
3. Methods of data processing.
a) The treatment can be done with or without the aid of electronic or automated tools;
b) the treatment is done by the owner, by managers and / or in charge of treatment.
4. Data Assignment.
The provision of common personal data, sensitive will happen only for the purpose of conducting the activities referred to in point 1.
5. Refusal to provide data.
Any refusal by the individual to give personal information in the case referred to in point 3 It involves the impossibility to fulfill the activities referred to in point 1.
6. Data Communications.
Personal data can also be learned by the responsible treatment of the same and can be disclosed, for the purposes referred to in point 1, external employees, to all those public and private subjects to whom the communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 1. The data will also be processed for the purposes provided for by the current anti-money laundering legislation.
7. Data Dissemination.
Personal data are not subject to disclosure.
8. Transfer of data abroad.
Personal data may be transferred to EU countries and to third countries for the purposes of point 1, as well as in Croatia.
9. rights of.
Under Articles. 15 (Right of access), 16 (Right of rectification), 17 (Right to cancellation), 18 (Right of treatment limitation), 20 (Right to data portability) e 21 (Right of opposition) EU Regulation 2016/679, the person concerned may at any time request access to personal data and correct or cancel them or treatment limitations relating to him or to object to their treatment, as well as the right to data portability, by submitting written notice to the Owner.
Please note that for the purposes of legislation on anti-money laundering data, performance-related fall in the aforementioned legislative discipline, It will be preserved as provided by law for ten years from completion of the performance.
10. Consent to the processing of data
Under Article. 6, by. 1, became. a) of the General Regulations of the EU personal data protection n. 2016/679, with the affixing of the signature at the bottom to these modules manifests consent to the processing of data within the purposes and methods referred to above within the limits in which the consent of the S.V. It was required by law. In particular, I express my consent for the acquisition of personal data; the communication of information to third parties as set forth in this Privacy Statement. Such consent is valid until revoked in writing to be sent by registered mail with return receipt.